Firmware Updates
These instructions provide the procedure for updating the firmware version on your BLCKTEC tool using the Updater Software. This process may take up to 25 minutes.
Please make sure to download and install the updater app. Even if you've installed it in the past, we may have made updates to the app since your last installation.
1. Install and launch the Updater software on your computer:
Download Now:
After installing the Updater app:
-Connect your tool to your computer using a USB - it may be a mini or micro depending on the tool
-Open the app
-A pop-up screen will appear showing that your Tool Status is Connected
-The USB port to connect your device to your computer is at the bottom of the device.

1.5 Troubleshooting
Possible Issue:
Tool is connected to computer but app shows
"Disconnected" status.
-Please make sure the USB to the computer and your tool are properly seated
-Try switching to a different USB port
-Try another USB cable
-Make sure you are using the right Updater. Older tools are not compatible with our newest updaters. To make sure you're using the right one, please download the updater that is listed by your tool. We at BLCKTEC apologize if this seems confusing. The newer updater does not support really old tools.
Possible Issue:
Your tool is connected but do not see "Update my tool now" button.
Possible Issue:
You're seeing this issue on your Mac.
-That means your tool is up to date and there are no new updates for your tool.
If you are on an Apple device and get this issue:
-Instead of 'double clicking' on the app, please 'right click' and select Open and the app should open correctly.

2 Click on 'Update my Tool now'

If updates are available for your device, it will provide the option "Update my tool now"
-Please click this option to begin the update process
-This process may take some time, thank you for your patience
2.5 Troubleshooting
Possible Issue:
Your update is stuck at 1% (or 5%) and not progressing.
Your updater may be out of date:
-Please install the latest updater for your tool
-Download the updater app
-Click to install, when seeing the option to "Modify, Replace, or Repair"
-Click Repair
-Then follow the steps in this guide again
3 Wait for the Update to Finish
While your device is updating, please make sure to keep it connected.

4 Disconnect your tool when the update is complete

Once the update process is complete, the message on the prompt will change to 'Update Complete'
You may now exit the Updater and safely disconnect your tool from your computer.
Once you re-plug your device into your vehicle, your firmware should immediately display your device's latest firmware version.
Having Trouble?
We are here to help.